You are responsible for your Future You

Shape your future you

We tend to think that we are now is the finish version and we won’t have much change in the future. Is it a limiting belief? The world is changing fast and how can we shape ourself to better meet the needs.

Shape your Future You
Future you

Are you the same as before?

In Dr.Daniel Gilbert Ted Talk- The Pyschology of Your Future Self , he pointed out that we tend to think that the person we are today is the person we will always be.

However, most people, when asked if they are the same person they were 10 years ago, will say no — but we tend to think that the potential for change in the future is rather low. Gilbert and others refer to this as the “end of history illusion.” Despite awareness that our past self is clearly different than our present self, we tend to think that who we are right now is the “real” and “finished” version of ourselves, and our future self will be basically the same as who we are today. Gilbert puts it simply: “Human beings are works in progress that mistakenly think they’re finished.”

Your personality, skills, likes, and dislikes change over time — whether you’re intentional about that change or not. A recently published study that spanned more than 60 years found that the personalities of nearly all participants were completely different than they had been 60 years prior.

Can you Shape your future?

We tend to underestimate our rate of change over time

  • Our brain is powerful enough and are flexible enough to learn new things and skills.
  • We are different from what we were and our personality and behaviours are very much different now.
  • We definitely can shape our future. Don’t underestimate

What you have to do to shape your future?

  • Change your belief
    • All behaviors are belief-driven. If don’t believe you will can grow and change to a better you, your motivation or efforts to learn and grow would be smaller
  • Who you want to be?
    • Ask yourself who you want to be? Not just what you want to be accomplished, it is your future identity
    • You must take time to visualize your future you. It must be as clear as possible and you must feel good with this future you.
  • Clear path to achieve
    • Have a clear path to achieve the future you which can motivate you to go forward.
    • Have clear check points along the journey
    • Celebrate those small win once you reach your different check points
    • Go search what are the pre-requisite skills or steps need.
    • Gear up your skills
    • Have clear measurable outcomes and goals
    • Get support from your buddies or mentors